Reflection for Sunday 8th September, 2024

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Touching the ears and mouth (Mark 7:31-37)

The Gospel this Sunday is the story of Jesus healing the deaf man who had an impediment in his speech. Mark has a great sense of the close involvement of Jesus with people. This was no healing at a distance. Jesus laid hands on the man, put his fingers in the man’s ears, touched his tongue with spittle, and said, “Ephaphatha, be opened.” The use of actions, physical things and words prepared the way for the sacraments.

Touching the ears and mouth may be included in the baptismal ceremony as the celebrant prays: “The Lord Jesus made the deaf hear and the dumb speak. May he soon touch your ears to receive his word, and your mouth to proclaim his faith, to the praise and glory of God the Father.”

Are my ears open to God’s word, reading it, listening to it, pondering on it in the heart?
Do I listen to what others say? Do I make an effort to hear what they find it hard to say?
Do I hear the pleas of those in need?
Do I heed the opinions or advice of others?

Are my ears open to God’s word, reading it, listening to it, pondering on it in the heart? Do I listen to what others say?  Do I make an effort to hear what they find it hard to say? Do I hear the pleas of those in need? Do I heed the opinions or advice of others?Are my ears open to God’s word, reading it, listening to it, pondering on it in the heart? Do I listen to what others say? Do I make an effort to hear what they find it hard to say? Do I hear the pleas of those in need? Do I heed the opinions or advice of others?

Is my mouth sanctified?

A poisoned tongue spits out cynicism, anger, deceit, hurt, character assassination, destructiveness, etc. Does the same tongue which receives the Lord in the Eucharist attack other members of his mystical body?
The words of a true Christian bring love, peace, happiness, affirmation, consolation, good advice and laughter.
The gift of speech is misused in blasphemy, profanity or obscenity. Or the tongue can be the instrument of thanks, praise and prayer.

One word which should have no place in the life of a faithful follower of Christ is vengeance. It is mentioned in today’s First Reading, from Isaiah. “Courage! Do not be afraid. Look, your God is coming, vengeance is coming, the retribution of God; he is coming to save you.” What a turnabout! God’s vengeance is the total opposite of human vengeance. In human vengeance hatred is stronger than love but in God’s vengeance, love triumphs over vindictiveness. God’s idea of vengeance is to destroy the sin while converting the sinner. Jesus asks us to pray for those who persecute us.


Lord Jesus, you first touched our ears and tongues on the day of our baptism.
May we live each day faithful to what you have begun in us.
Open our ears, Lord, to hear your word in the Scriptures, to heed your guidance in the commandments, and to listen with you in quiet reflection.
Clear away the deafness of our selfish preoccupation, so that we might hear what others need to say, draw out what is locked away in their darkness, and respect each person’s unique history.
Open the doors of our hearts in sensitivity to pain, in concern for justice, and in compassion for all who are suffering.
Release our tongues of their impediments so that we might gladly sing your praises, gratefully proclaim your kindness, and confidently witness to your presence.
Remove all traces of envy and vengeance from our speech, so that we might be quick to affirm but slow to blame, ready to thank but slow to begrudge, willing to forgive but loathe to condemn.
Release our tongues from scandal and free them for goodness. Cleanse them of obscenity and brighten them with joy. Rid them of vulgarity and prepare them to bless.
Lord Jesus, you do all things well.
You make the deaf hear and the dumb speak.